Lunchtimes and School Meals
Breakfast Club
Children can be dropped off early and will come to the school hall, where they can have a proper breakfast and take part in activities. Please enquire at the school office.
The price of a school meal is now £2.40 (£12.00 per week). Parents may also choose to send pupils to school with a packed lunch.
Packed Lunches
Thank you to parents for providing children with a healthy packed lunch for lunchtimes. Please remember children are not allowed to bring in juice or fizzy drinks. The school will provide children with water and milk at no cost. Together we can try to ensure our children are fit, healthy and are able to establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Our Current Menus
Our school offers a multiple-choice menu which rotates every three weeks. Our current menus can be found at the bottom of this page. The kitchen staff also organise themed lunches throughout the year including St. Georges Day, Halloween, in June we celebrated the Queens Platinum Jubilee.
Free School Meals
If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, you will automatically be entitled for free meals under the new 'Universal Infant Free School Meals' criteria.
If you receive certain benefits, you may be entitled to receive free school meals (for children in Years 3 to 6) and the school may receive additional Pupil Premium funding (all ages). If you think that your child is entitled to free school meals, please enquire at the school office for details or see the full explanation of eligibility here.
Lunchtime Activities
We have a range of lunchtime activities on offer, including: football, hockey, interactive games board, lego, netball basketball, climbing frame, trim trail, nature walk, garden, sensory garden and more.