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Learning Resources

Year 3

Timetable 06.07.2020

Timetable 29.06.2020

Timetable 22.06.2020

Timetable 15.06.2020

Timetable 08.06.2020

Timetable 01.06.2020

Timetable 18.05.2020

Timetable 11.05.2020

Timetable 04.05.2020

Monday 20th April 2020

5. Fun Reading and Writing Activities

7. Fun Reading and Writing Activities

Amelia Earhart

Be the world's best pilot (of a paper aeroplane).

Continents and Oceans - Challenging task

Data handling activity 1

Data handling activity 2

Fact File Resources

Family Aeroplane Challenge

Forces - worksheet one

Friction Jelly

Junk Modelling Challenge -easier finishing activity

PE ideas for home learning

Question Sheet after all your research

Shape activities 1

Shape activity 2 making shapes with triangles

Shape activities 3. 4. 5. and 6 finding and adding to patterns in shapes

Shape activity 7 and 8 identifying 2D shapes

SPAG - grouping adjectives by endings

SPAG - nouns and adjectives

SPAG - proper and common nouns

SPAG - vocabulary - adjectives for dragons

SPAG - vocabulary - words instead of nice

Thinking of all the things we can use forces on

Who Was Sir Isaac Newton

Wobbly Jelly Experiment

Monday 23rd March 2020

1 Batman

2 Hawk Girl

3 Thor

4 Black Widow

5 Super Man

6 Wonder Woman

7 Iron Man

8 Hulk

9 Captain America



Arithmetic 1


Division 1

Division 2




Place Value




Symmetry and Reflection



Comprehension 1 - Tom's Exciting Morning

Comprehension 2 - James and the giant peach

Comprehension 3 - Non Fiction

Poem Comprehension

Reading Activities


Writing Activities

And there's more...

Useful Websites
Fun Activities to do at home
White Rose Home Learning